6 Fruits You Must Not Eat At Night And Why

6 Fruits You Must Not Eat At Night And Why

1. Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Grapefruits, Lemons) Citrus fruits are acidic and can trigger heartburn or acid refluxwhen consumed close to bedtime

2. Grapes  Grapes contain a significant amount of natural sugar, which can cause a spike in blood sugar levels if consumed in excess before bed


3. Watermelon Watermelon has a high water content and may cause frequent urination if consumed late at night.


4. Bananas  Bananas are also high in natural sugars and may lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, which could interfere with sleep at night

5. Pineapple Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that may cause digestive issues or irritation in the stomach if consumed in large amounts.

6. Guavas Guavas are packed with a lot of fibres and can cause stomachache at night since it takes long to digest.